Monday, October 27, 2008

Washington, D.C. Day 6

So, the whole rain, rain, go away song didn't exactly work to the best of my knowledge. Today started out as we mostly accepted it would, coldly. It was about 50 degrees outside, but with wild wind gusts in the teens it felt closer to around 43 degrees.
We drove to the Metro station and jogged into the terminal, frostbitten, for our twenty-five minute ride. As we ran to the station we were hit with our first few sprinkles of rain...more, constant raining followed.
Our first stop of the day was the Hirshorne Museum, where we viewed works from; Andy Warhol, Rodin, David Smith, Willem (take note, the Dutch spelling of, "William") De Kooning, and Maitesse. There were some very, "interesting" exhibits and lots of full nudity...very artistic, some would say, I would not, but some would.
The sculptures were quite impressive and thought provoking, I have studied some of the pieces and artists that we saw today, and it was so thrilling seeing their work in person.
Chris and I walked over the Mall to our next stop of the day, the National Archives, home to; the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the Declaration of Independence.
Seeing these pieces of history so close up was so exciting, it was an experience like no other. The rotunda where the documents are stored in shatter proof multiple inch thick glass in a long security case was so cool looking.
We stood in a line for about ten minutes behind this older couple, Chris joked that they were probably around to see it when it was first signed...I laughed and added that while they were intently searching the signatures, they were in fact looking for their own, LOL!
I was too excited to get to the U.S. Botanic Gardens, which are across the street from the Capitol Building. I was only too happy to get inside the gardens and out of the vicious cold and continuous rain and wind.
At first sight the gardens are breathtaking, there were such a wide range of species and environments that were represented. There was a large atrium with waterfalls, flowering plants, and tall palms. It felt as though I was transported back to the temperate climate I so love (Chris also loves Florida).
The four major enclosures were; jungle, desert, orchid, and medicinal species, there was also a smaller enclosure for rare and endangered species, as well. The jungle enclosure, which was the largest even had a large bridge that was made out of a large tree trunk, it was massive.
As we strolled from room to room, I was amazed at how many of the variations of plants I had never seen before. The gardens were so peaceful and the air seemed to smell sweet, overall and a very interesting and educational stop.
We left the gardens and headed for a bite, well we headed for warmth and decided that the American Indian Museum was going to be lame, shh...don't tell any Indians, well if you know any, anyway, otherwise you can tell the, "other" Indians.
That pretty much wraps up the day, we headed back to the Metro and after a short stop at the mall, we headed home. Tomorrow we are heading off bright and early for our tour of the White House and the Capitol Building! Check the update tomorrow. Goodnight. : D

hugs and kisses!


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