Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Chili Cookoff

....Saturday October 25th, 2008 from Noon-Nine at Pointe West....

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Minnie, Is Gone.

I feel numb, nauseated, and hopeless. My heart feels broken. Here's to the sweetest little baby kitten ever. I love you Minnie. Sleep sweet. xoxo.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Oh, What A Night...

I got home yesterday, and of course promptly informed my girl bestie Alyssa that I was home, to which she informed me that her bf, Chris and his bf (hahaha!), Eugene were playing their first show with their new band, "Away With You," at Filthy McNasty's Pubbery. So, we decided to go to the show together...a little post cruise info about the actual cruise, lol, the entire time on the ship I believe that I was hit on by at least 78.7% of the male crew members and about 2.3% of the females. I like to refer to this phenomenon that I was experiencing as being, "crew candy," well seems as though it has followed me ashore to the landlubbers that I encountered last night at Filthy's, as I was hit on by a guy named, Maximilien, found out that a friend of a friend is in fact in love with me, and finally I ran in to a guy who had I had crazy sexual tension with in HS, and it was kind of strange and crazy and interesting. But, getting away from all of that my car died exactly twice yesterday...that sucked, but after three jumps and a new battery my baby is back!

Friday, September 5, 2008

Cruise vs. Hurricane(s)

My mother and I are leaving for a week on a cruise to the Western Caribbean; Belize, Honduras, Cozumel, and the Bahamas. Carnival has been providing updates hourly on the status of all of their cruises, so we are trying to stay informed on the developments and changes due to the storms as they happen. I guess if something should happen this will be my last entry (but most likely not, LOL), so leave me comments and interesting stories and jokes to read when I come back...if I do. Adios.

Yesterday, We Searched.

My whole family went to Orlando at 8AM to help with the search for Caylee Anthony. We searched a very densely wooded area of Orlando near UCF with ten other searchers and covered an area of five square miles in three hours, trudging through swamp lands, lakes, woods, and thick tall grasses filled with ants, stickers, and snakes. Please go out and help find Caylee.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

...damn hip...

A few weeks a month I started to have this pain on my left side in the hip region, and I am starting to become increasingly paranoid that my stride is transforming moment by moment to that of an eighty year old with a plastic hip, that is misfitted. Basically, I would have to say what is bothering most about this whole experience, is that my entire left leg feels as though it is physically longer, than the right one, and the pain is increasing every time I have to walk somewhere. I was completely unaware of how much I actually walk...sad, I know. I have decided that I should most likely seek some type of treatment in the near future, otherwise my vacation could be somewhat less comfortable, considering how much walking I intend to do in Mexico. Updates to follow.