Sunday, September 14, 2008

Oh, What A Night...

I got home yesterday, and of course promptly informed my girl bestie Alyssa that I was home, to which she informed me that her bf, Chris and his bf (hahaha!), Eugene were playing their first show with their new band, "Away With You," at Filthy McNasty's Pubbery. So, we decided to go to the show together...a little post cruise info about the actual cruise, lol, the entire time on the ship I believe that I was hit on by at least 78.7% of the male crew members and about 2.3% of the females. I like to refer to this phenomenon that I was experiencing as being, "crew candy," well seems as though it has followed me ashore to the landlubbers that I encountered last night at Filthy's, as I was hit on by a guy named, Maximilien, found out that a friend of a friend is in fact in love with me, and finally I ran in to a guy who had I had crazy sexual tension with in HS, and it was kind of strange and crazy and interesting. But, getting away from all of that my car died exactly twice yesterday...that sucked, but after three jumps and a new battery my baby is back!

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