Sunday, August 24, 2008

Monday, August 18, 2008

Honestly, Who knew?!?!

I am completely and totally shocked that I am in agreement with one of the morally objectionable people to me, Roseanne Barr. Today she was quoted as saying about Jon Voight's over-collagened succubus she-devil daughter, ""Your evil spawn Angelina Jolie and her vacuous hubby Brad Pitt make about $40 million a year in violent, psychopathic movies and give away three of it to starving children, trying to look as if they give a crap about humanity as they spit out more dunces that will consume more than their fair share and wreck the earth even more," hahahahahahahahahaha! I now am sadly in agreement with a woman who I once thought to be lower than they, oh, Roseanne, how wrong I was. Not that I agree with all that was said, but she does have some completely non-psychotic ideas.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Shockingly Awful"

At 10AM I am sitting in a meeting that subsequently lasted two and a half full hours that is chocked full of absolute bu**sh** and all I can think about is the meeting's title, "The New Marketing Campaign of Shock & Awe." Why, may you ask, am I completely enthralled in the title of some pointless meeting? Well, mostly because it describes how the meeting was proceeding, shockingly awful. I really dislike our marketing director, because he's a tea sucking, accent speaking, know-it-all, in fact that is the exact definition of one of my least favorite kind of people. It must be INCREDIBLY fantastic to have the awareness that your intellect is superior to all around you and that your ability to speak, think, and boss is just exceptional in comparison. B-U-R-N!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

He has myexisnotthinkingaboutmeanymore-dar.

So today I could have missed the ex if I had only left just minutes earlier for my bike ride. I rode my bike three miles and all I could think about was why as soon as I forget him and get my life back on track and stop obsessing, he just shows up?!? It's like his mutant power is knowing when all of that is happening and finding me as soon as humanly possible and reminding me, "hey! I'm still here...that's right, you just try and forget me! I dare you!" Well thanks, today's half-second convo should set me back a few weeks. Oh, well, at least I'm pretty.

Tropic Thunder, YAY!

I am beyond excited to see Tropic Thunder. Three of the most unlikely actors to be put all together in one movie...oh, joy for me!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So this is what's wrong with the youth today.

romanian archaeology.

This may seem like a strange topic, but I think I may have decided on what my first abroad volunteering project will archaeological dig and fieldwork in region known as, Transylvania in Romania. It is so exciting to think about what kind of things I will experience on my two week to a month long visit to such a historic region of the world. Updates to come as available.

Monday, August 11, 2008

The Migraines Are Coming, The Migraines Are Coming...

Last night was fun, I spent pretty much tens of hours in agony from a delightful little friend affectionately called, migraine. I have been in a basic holding pattern of sorts, with a constant headache I've been keeping at bay by over medication of Excedrin, and although I can still feel it, I am keeping a constant attitude of not allowing the pain to win. Moving on to something non-migraine related subject, I am just about dying to figure out what this new LOST ARG is and contemplating starting my own Fantasy Football Team. I know, wow, I officially have no life.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wonders Never Cease.

So after the whole argument with my family about why I am boycotting the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, numerous reasons were discussed below a verbal clash of epic proportions incurred and their most basic reason was discovered, to not boycott was that the athletes have done nothing wrong, which is not even why I am annoyed with the whole Chinese hosting the Olympics. So fast-forward to yesterday I was watching ET with my parents, (I know, I know, please inset still living with your parent's joke here), and the reporter was reading a story about the new cast of, "DWTS," (READ: Dancing With The Stars) and who would join my parent's favorite reality television show (if you can call it at all entertaining)?!? None other than, recently out of the closet homosexual and former 'Nsync 'er, Lance Bass and that during the show he may be dancing with anther man, instead of the typical female dance partner. After the story ended and my mom and dad's bitching and moaning subsided, the first thing out of my mother's mouth was, "OMG! I cannot believe that they would allow a man to dance with another man. That is just wrong." To which I replied, "So, let me get this straight, you would rather support an oppressive communist regime that subjugates an entire race of people to their, "rule," and forces their spiritual and tribal leaders to flee to other countries in search of some kind of safety and diplomatic assylum, than see two men dance together? Oh, yeah, that is perfectly understandable."

10 Reasons I am Boycotting the Olympics.

  1. Human rights are practically non-existent in Communist China Religious persecution, imprisonment and murder of non-violent political dissidents, torture, organ harvesting and sentences to hard labor are widespread.

  2. The lack of freedom of the press and safety risks for foreign reporters Many foreign websites are banned from being visited within China, foreign reporters are prohibited from interviewing anyone without previous permission from the government, and the content of all broadcasting is severely restricted. Foreign news media reporters have been arrested and sentenced to prison under vague and wide-reaching security laws.

  3. The 1980 Olympic Games in Communist Russia were boycotted by 64 states, under the leadership of the U.S. Beijing is not any different from Moscow in 1980, which was also the capital of a Communist police state.

  4. Communist China constantly threatens to attack Taiwan China's government passed a law that explicitly calls for military intervention in response to any intention by the democratic government of Taiwan to declare independence. Military manoeuvres indicate that the Communists' military is preparing to enforce this law.

  5. Beijing has the most polluted air in the world Studies and satellites photos have proven that Beijing suffers from extremely high nitrogen dioxide levels, vitally dangerous to the health of the athletes.

  6. China is plagued by widespread social, political, and economic unrest A surge in huge land grabs and forced evictions by the Chinese government for reasons of economic expansion and Olympic Games preparations have sparked thousands of protests. The government has murdered hundreds of protesters.

  7. The Chinese have been bribing and threatening large numbers of members of the International Olympic Committee A number of U.S. Representatives, for example, Congressman Tom Lantos, have stated this on national television.

  8. A boycott has some potential to serve as a strategy to encourage human rights in China Only the greedy and foolish global elite think this is true the other way around.

  9. Holding the Olympic Games in Communist China contradicts the Olympic Charter The Olympic Charter defines the philosophy of Olympism as the "respect for universal fundamental ethical principles" and its goal of promoting "a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity."
  10. Don't repeat the errors of 1936 when Nazi Germany was allowed to host the Olympic Games The Olympic Games will give Communist China the same propaganda tool Nazi Germany enjoyed. Not since 1936 have the ideals of Olympics been so trampled upon.

Friday, August 8, 2008

It's the first day of the rest of my blogging life.

So, as it goes this is my second foray into blogging, as the first was mostly annoying and writing under a nom de plume proved to be more difficult then originally anticipated. I think the main reason I failed was because I could not just write, be myself, tell my stories and not worry about who may be reading them and what they may think. Naturally I had to learn this lesson in the most time consuming fashion, by designing my very own turned into a monster that was such a time sucker I grew to hate, even despise my blog. Moving on, I really feel like with blogger I'll be able to share all of myself, well most with the world, emphasizing the, "most." I'll write about life, music, movies, hair (haha), what I like/what I don't, love, war, religion, lifestyles, hobbies, share news, pictures, life lessons, trivia, LOST stuff (lmao), and well, me. So thanks for reading and stay tuned.