Saturday, August 9, 2008

Wonders Never Cease.

So after the whole argument with my family about why I am boycotting the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing, China, numerous reasons were discussed below a verbal clash of epic proportions incurred and their most basic reason was discovered, to not boycott was that the athletes have done nothing wrong, which is not even why I am annoyed with the whole Chinese hosting the Olympics. So fast-forward to yesterday I was watching ET with my parents, (I know, I know, please inset still living with your parent's joke here), and the reporter was reading a story about the new cast of, "DWTS," (READ: Dancing With The Stars) and who would join my parent's favorite reality television show (if you can call it at all entertaining)?!? None other than, recently out of the closet homosexual and former 'Nsync 'er, Lance Bass and that during the show he may be dancing with anther man, instead of the typical female dance partner. After the story ended and my mom and dad's bitching and moaning subsided, the first thing out of my mother's mouth was, "OMG! I cannot believe that they would allow a man to dance with another man. That is just wrong." To which I replied, "So, let me get this straight, you would rather support an oppressive communist regime that subjugates an entire race of people to their, "rule," and forces their spiritual and tribal leaders to flee to other countries in search of some kind of safety and diplomatic assylum, than see two men dance together? Oh, yeah, that is perfectly understandable."

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