Thursday, August 14, 2008

"Shockingly Awful"

At 10AM I am sitting in a meeting that subsequently lasted two and a half full hours that is chocked full of absolute bu**sh** and all I can think about is the meeting's title, "The New Marketing Campaign of Shock & Awe." Why, may you ask, am I completely enthralled in the title of some pointless meeting? Well, mostly because it describes how the meeting was proceeding, shockingly awful. I really dislike our marketing director, because he's a tea sucking, accent speaking, know-it-all, in fact that is the exact definition of one of my least favorite kind of people. It must be INCREDIBLY fantastic to have the awareness that your intellect is superior to all around you and that your ability to speak, think, and boss is just exceptional in comparison. B-U-R-N!

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